E-Mail Tag

Australian businesses are urged to take extra care when renewing their business name. ASIC sends business a renewal notices 30 days before the expiry and clever scammers have copied this email to promote clicks to their own fraudulent websites. When opening any email, you should always check the ‘from’ field. ASIC emails will come from asic.gov.au. Hover your mouse cursor over the link to check the link location. If is not a location ending with asic.gov.au then don’t click it. The fees requested could be different to the fees ASIC would normally charge. Owners...

During our day to day business operations, we see a constant stream of people asking us If the e-mail they got is genuine. Cybercrime affects a staggering 18 people worldwide per second. A crazy 1.55 million people per day are targeted by cyber criminals. Whist we and many other companies suggest being vigilant with e-mail fraud, its seems the message just isn’t getting through. So lets look at some of the easiest ways to distinguish a real email from a fake. Spelling errors. Many companies will have templates for invoices or e-mail...

As part of our business, we do onsite computer repairs in our area. On one of our call outs, we were asked by an elderly gentleman “Why did they target me?”. I had to explain to him that scammers didn’t pick him specifically, & that he is a victim of a random attack possibly caused by a click or installation of software without his knowledge. The truth is that no-one is 100% immune to scams & dodgy internet practices. Older people are generally to worst affected by these scams as...

Since Internet shopping became a ‘thing’, more and more people are falling victim to elaborate and some not so elaborate fraudulent attempts. The concerning part about this of course is they continue to hit our inboxes and people continue to fall for the tricks. Why else would fraudsters continue to do it? Recently, we’ve seen an increase in ‘Your Account has been Limited’ emails. This email comes from fraudsters pretending to be PayPal, informing you that your account has an issue and requires you to log into your account to verify...