Melton Computer News

Gaming / 18.05.2021

Years ago, a gamer was sitting in front of their computer, or console playing their games solo. At best we had 2 player, or 4 player split screen. Then came the mid 90’s and networks were starting to create the opportunity to play games on local networks between friend groups. Then, The Internet. A recent study conducted by the Anti-Defamation League suggests that up to 74% of people that play online games have been harassed or bullied online. 65% have suffered from “severe” harassment. Harassment such as threats & stalking top...

Microsoft, Software / 18.05.2021

Windows 10 comes with a basic software to get you going on your computer. Here’s 24 programs you can download for free that you should at least try. Chrome Chrome is one of the first programs we install on all new computers we sell. Made by Google, Chrome is available on many devices from Windows, Mac, Linus, Android & IOS. Firefox An alternative to Microsoft Edge, Firefox has been around for many years and is getting better every release. Now with built in Crypto mining and advert-blockers, Firefox is a popular replacement. ...

Browser, Security / 18.05.2021

Firefox has been around for quite a while; most computer users have used it at some point. Now, there’s great new features that will be found in the latest version. (Version 70) Privacy Breach Technology. Firefox 70 will come with Password Breach Alerts, Privacy Reports and performance updates. Firefox 70’s new password manager (Lockwise) will now warn users if their user credentials have been breached in known data breaches. If Firefox recognises a data breach, users will be informed and prompted to change their passwords to better protect themselves. Firefox & Lockwise Password...

Security, E-Mail / 18.05.2021

Australian businesses are urged to take extra care when renewing their business name. ASIC sends business a renewal notices 30 days before the expiry and clever scammers have copied this email to promote clicks to their own fraudulent websites. When opening any email, you should always check the ‘from’ field. ASIC emails will come from Hover your mouse cursor over the link to check the link location. If is not a location ending with then don’t click it. The fees requested could be different to the fees ASIC would normally charge. Owners...

Apple, Security / 18.05.2021

Every day I wake to find at least two email sitting in my inbox declaring my Apple ID has been locked for security reasons. The E-Mail continues to ask me to login to my Apple Account to confirm my Apple ID and payment details.The email contains a link looks legitimate enough to encourage a click, but if you hover over the link you will see that it’s not pointing to an Apple site. The example I am looking at is a tinyurl link. In other e-mails we’ve seen, a link simply...