Tech among highly targetted items during burglaries

Tech among highly targetted items during burglaries

A recent study carried out by Budget Direct has shown so interesting results when it comes to home security. Over 20% of Australian households have been burgled at some point. That’s 1 in 5 homes.
So how can you reduce your chances of a break-in? Installing CCTV, security doors, window screens, security alarms and sensor lights are the main things we think of when protecting a home. However, when question by Police, up to 70% of crooks say they targeted that home because the doors or windows were simply left unlocked.

The top items that crooks look for during burglaries are:
– Cash
– Laptop Computers
– Jewelry
– Cameras
– Phones
– Wallets/Handbags
– Identification
– Televisions
– Computer & Video game equipment
– Watches

Some ways to protect your valuables is to install good deterrent methods such as CCVT, Security doors etc. But what if that’s not enough? What if someone breaks in and steals your laptop or computer? Sure, insurance will cover it but once thing they can’t replace is your data, your photos, documents, receipts, health data etc.

Melton Computers recommends backing your data up to multiple locations including locally to an external device and to the cloud. Such backups don’t just protect you against theft, but also against hardware failure, loss of hardware or accidental deletion.

If you would like assistance setting up a getter backup solution, give the team a call on 1800 234 124 to discuss your options.